

Basic Policy on Human Rights of Our Group

Our group upholds the management philosophy "Think of what we build" and strives to fulfill its corporate social responsibility by actively engaging in environmental protection and quality improvement activities. We aim to build, maintain, and enhance strong trust with our customers and business partners.
Respect for human rights is essential to achieving this goal and serves as the foundation of all our business activities.
To fulfill this responsibility, we establish this "Akis Steel Group Basic Policy on Human Rights" (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy").
This Policy is positioned as the highest-level policy on human rights, clearly demonstrating our commitment to respecting human rights to internal and external stakeholders.

Scope of Application and Expectations for Business Partners

This Policy applies to all executives and employees (including part-time employees, contract employees, and temporary employees) of our group. We also expect and encourage our business partners, including suppliers, to respect human rights in accordance with this Policy.

Support and Respect for International Norms

Our group respects international human rights norms, including the "International Bill of Human Rights" and the International Labour Organization (ILO) "Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work." We undertake human rights initiatives in line with the United Nations "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights."
Additionally, our group complies with the laws and regulations of the countries and regions where we operate. In cases where there are conflicts between local laws and international norms, we strive to respect international norms to the greatest extent possible.

Promotion System

To implement this Policy, we have established an internal system where the Representative Director and President serves as the highest authority on human rights within our group. We will continue to implement and promote these initiatives.

Implementation of Human Rights Due Diligence

Through the process of human rights due diligence, we identify key human rights issues relevant to our business activities, as specified in the annex. We will work to identify, prevent, and mitigate any negative impacts on human rights.

Remediation and Remedy

If our business activities cause or are found to be involved in negative impacts on human rights, we will take corrective and remedial actions through appropriate procedures and dialogue. Additionally, we will establish and maintain a grievance mechanism for such issues.


To ensure that business activities are conducted in accordance with this Policy, we will continuously provide appropriate education and training for all executives and employees.


This Policy was formulated based on advice from external human rights experts. We will continue to engage in dialogue with stakeholders and reflect necessary updates in this Policy and our human rights initiatives.

Information Disclosure

Our human rights initiatives based on this Policy will be appropriately disclosed on our company website.

Akis Steel Co., Ltd.
Representative Director and President
Tadanao Fujita

Annex: Key Human Rights Issues Recognized as Important by Our Group
Our group considers the following issues to be of utmost importance. We promote human rights initiatives that respect not only our employees but also our customers, all business partners, their employees, shareholders, local residents, and all other stakeholders involved in our business activities and supply chain. These key human rights issues will be reviewed as necessary based on legal and social demands.

(1) Prohibition of Discrimination
We strictly prohibit any form of discrimination based on birth, nationality, race, creed, gender, age, religion, educational background, sexual orientation, disability, family status, and other factors.
(2) Prohibition of Inhumane Treatment
We prohibit all acts that harm personal dignity, including mental, physical, and sexual abuse, corporal punishment, bullying, and harassment.
(3) Ensuring Occupational Safety and Health
We comply with the occupational safety and health laws of the countries and regions where we operate, ensuring a safe, comfortable, and healthy working environment.
(4) Respect for Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining
We respect employees' rights, including freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, and strive to build good labor-management relations through dialogue.
(5) Ensuring Fair Working Conditions
We comply with labor laws in the countries and regions where we operate, ensuring appropriate working conditions related to working hours, holidays, leave, wages, and welfare benefits.
(6) Prohibition of Child Labor and Forced Labor
We do not tolerate any form of child labor or forced labor, including slavery and human trafficking. We comply with the legally defined minimum working age and do not employ individuals under 18 for hazardous work.
(7) Protection of Privacy
We comply with personal data protection laws in the countries and regions where we operate, ensuring appropriate management and protection of personal information.
(8) Ensuring Product Safety and Quality
We are committed to ensuring the safety and quality of our products so that our customers and all business partners can use them with confidence.
(9) Coexistence with Local Communities
To prevent negative impacts on the safety and health of local communities, we engage in business activities that consider the rights of local residents, including efforts to prevent environmental pollution.